Ian Storey is a renowned Opera singer who includes in his extensive repertoire the leading tenor roles in Otello, Tristan und Isolde, Peter Grimes, Pikovaya Dama, Turandot, Fidelio, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Boris Godunov, Samson et Dalila and Salome. He performs in prestigious houses throughout the world including La Scala in Milan, San Francisco, Berlin, Madrid, Los Angeles, Barcelona. He has recorded on CD and DVD. Ian originally trained in design, cabinetmaking and woodturning, he holds a BA (Hons) in design from Loughborough University, who also awarded him DLitt “in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Opera”. Due to Covid cancellations, he recommissioned his workshop in January this year. Ian enjoys the challenge of turning difficult and interesting pieces of wood such as those on display in this exhibition and will soon begin making furniture he has recently designed.
What has creating art meant to you over the last year?
Put simply, I love making things and it keeps me focussed, level-headed and sane.
One thing that has become obvious to me is the similarity between my two worlds of creativity. Different medium, but identical processes from the honing of technique through to the realisation of an idea.
I sing songs and I make stuff.
African Blackwood Rollerball Pen
African Blackwood rollerball pen with high-end fittings in polished chrome finish.
Includes presentation box bearing the ISC logo.
Bog Oak Fountain Pen
Excavated from the Cambridgeshire fens and carbon dates 4900 years old. Bog oak is rarer than diamonds and the most expensive wood with perhaps the exception of Kauri.
Includes a presentation box bearing the ISC logo.
Laburnum Vase Form (for dried flora)
Laburnum has beautiful grain and contrasting inclusions. It’s lustre catches the light. I designed the shape to maintain the natural features. It is really designed to take dried or silk flowers/foliage/grasses or twigs The central hole is 32mm dia and 110mm deep.
145 diameter x 140mm tall
Pepper Crush/Grind Mill