I have two passions in life; (well, three if you count darts!) music and art. I had to choose between them when I was studying for my A-levels. I spent 8 hours painting one day, and I had auditions for conservatoires coming up, so I should have been practicing. The one and only time my parents asked if had done any flute practice was that day and I had to make a decision. I chose music.
As a freelance professional musician I now paint whenever I’m not playing. The perfect balance!
Living in Suffolk, like so many wonderful artists and musicians, a lot of my work is of the beautiful landscape and of course the skies of East Anglia. Another influence is all the travelling I have been lucky enough to do with my job. I spent 2 months a year for 7 years working in India which has greatly influenced my use of colour and emotion no matter where in the world I’m painting.
What has creating art meant to you over the last year?
Painting for me is not relaxing or therapeutic until I am satisfied with what I have created, and I never am. It is a constant struggle for perfection, much like music. This frustration is an escape and means I am able to disappear from anxious or demanding situations, like an annoying bliss!